Following the success of Avatar, James Cameron became the poster child for modern 3D in Hollywood – setting the gold standard for how filmmakers could approach the format artistically (i.e., subtle depth as opposed to gimmicky pop-out effects). As a result, more and more directors are coming around to the 3D format, and delivering their own enjoyable implementations of the effect (such as in Martin Scorsese’s Hugo).
However, while Cameron may have opened the eyes of directors and producers – not just money hungry studios – to the benefits of shooting in 3D, many moviegoers are still skeptical of films that are presented with post-converted 3D. Non-native 3D offerings are a mixed bag with unnecessary (My Soul to Take) or flat-out ugly (Clash of the Titans) conversions, not to mention underwhelming applications of the format to re-releases (Star Wars: Episode 1 – The Phantom Menace). Can Cameron once again set the bar – this time for post-conversion – with Titanic 3D?
NOTE: As with previous 3D rerelease reviews, we’ll be focusing on whether or not Titanic 3D is worth the price of admission, instead of revisiting prior criticisms that have been routinely brought-up over the fifteen years since the Titanic‘s original release (the lengthy run-time (3 hours and 15 minutes) and an (at times) overly melodramatic romance, etc). While moviegoers no doubt responded to some of the film’s characters and plights, Titanic relied heavily on spectacle. But is that spectacleeven better in 3D?