Unseen Harrison lyrics Goes On Display
Apreviously unseen george harrison lyrics, found on the floor of the abbey road studio and dating back to 1967,has gone on display at the british library.written when harrison was aged 23 or 24 the untitled song came from an era when the beatles had stopped touring to spend more time in the studio to work on the "stg pepper's lonely hearts club band' album .beatles biographer hunter davies found it during research for a new edition of the beatles official biography ,which has just been released more then 40 years after its original publication.in its introdustion , davies recalls how he collected beatles lyrics discared as scrap parer from the floor of the studio and kept them as souvenirs."it's almost certain that they would have been thrown out by the cleaners if he hadn't picked them up the library said a news release.harrison never recoded the song , nor perhaps even put music to the words it added it turns: " i m happy to say that its only a dream when i come across people like you its only a dream and you make it obsecne with the things that you think and you do your so unaware of the pain that i bear and jealous for what you can't do.there's times when i feel that you havn't a hope but i also know that isn't true.on the reverse said are introdustion on how to reach tha beatles manager , beian epstein's country house in sussex written in epstein's hand .this means harrison must have written the lyrics before august 1967 when esptein was found dead at his london home following an accidental sleeping pilloverdose.harrison himself died of cancer in 2001 " george's words are all that is left of the song - we can only guess what it would have sounded like so it is an invaluable and hugely intersting piece of beatles memorabilia at the british library.although beatles compositions were credited to london/McCartney ,in reality most of the song were 90% jhon lennon or 90% paul McCartney ,rather than being simple 50/50 splits ,the library said ."the handwriting of each lyrics on display ... ilustrates this for example ,'help is one of the lennon's so it's in his mechelle are by Mc Cartney os it's in his handwriting this maes george's lyrics all the more rare ."also in the collection is memorabilia rarning from a fan club membership card to the lyrics of "A hard days's night written by lennon on the back of birthday card to his son julian.